Meet the Models: Nya Gavin

Nya Gavin, Walking in celebration of her mother, Crystal Davis (survivor since 2008.) 


I found out my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was twelve. It was also the summer before I was to start my school, Boston Latin. I remember being nervous about starting a new school but also worried about what my mom was going through. It was a transition period for me in many ways.


During that time I got to witness the strength and spirit of my mom. Despite being diagnosed with breast cancer and going through numerous chemo treatments, my mom still was my biggest supporter. As I mentioned, I was in a new school environment and needed my mom’s help in many ways, whether that was learning how to open a lock or figuring how to manage my work load. While I know that stage of her life was extremely difficult for her, she never showed it.


When my mom had her mastectomy, she did not want me to miss school to go to the surgery with her. But I was grateful because my guidance counselor allowed me to leave school early and walked me to go see my mom after the surgery was over. When I walked in the room, my mom was smiling and I couldn’t help but also smile because I knew that although we still had a long journey ahead my mom was going to live a long life.


I want to walk in Runway for Recovery for my mom who is now a nine year breast cancer survivor to thank her for fighting for not only herself but also for me and my brother.


  1. Dyan LaRosa on July 19, 2017 at 3:20 am

    CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU WALK NYA!!!!! Love you guys?